Topaz Glow 2

Topaz Glow 2

By: Amada Haro

Topaz Glow 2 is the new plugin system that has over 100 effects built in. In just one click, you can create amazing images, some that would take hours to do from scratch. There are over 50 new effects in Glow 2! So many possibilities, where do you start? I would say take a look at some examples first to see what Topaz Glow 2 can do. Then start thinking of the mood or feel of certain images that you want to portray. The good thing about Topaz Glow 2 or any of the other filter packages is that you can preview the images with the certain effect.

Take a look at a few before and after photos that we quickly added some simple effects to. There is also a setting where you can manipulate glow strength, sharpness, brightness and much more!



Images that are taken by the camera and photographer can be beautiful on its own. But what happens when you add a plugin to take the photograph to the next level. It will force you to look at the image differently, for the good though. If there is an image where electrifying it will change the whole mood, no problem. There are many different effects within Glow 2 that can soften or smooth the image, like the image above of the small house. In just one click. Wham! You are all set to go!

I guarantee you will not be sorry that you tried Topaz Glow 2. People will rave about your pictures and think you spent hours and hours editing them. If you want to see more images edited with Glow 2, drop me an email! If you want some of your images posted here using Topaz Glow or Topaz Glow 2 just let me know and I will definitely site your work!

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